Within the broad theme of “event” the Montreal hub welcomed proposals for papers, panels, and alternative forms of critical sessions that approach the concept within the following frames:

  • Event in relation to environmental and climate change, transformation, interruption, disruption, crisis, and action.
  • The event as brought into focus by decolonial approaches to nineteenth-century research.
  • The temporal structures, frameworks, and scales of events.
  • Event understood in relation to models and methods of historical narrative and historiographic theory.
  • Philosophical models of the ”event,” as an “intervention” within a “situation” (Alain Badiou), as inherently “revolutionary” (Gilles Deleuze), as physically distinct entities (W.V. Quine), as part of a series (Clare Pettitt), etc.
  • Event as conceived in nineteenth-century criticism, critical responses, and acts of criticism.
  • Event in relation to ideas of performance, aesthetics, artistic representation, and mimesis.
  • Relationality, processes, protocols, and interactivity in and of the event.


View the Montreal hub program here.

Territorial Acknowledgement

We wish to acknowledge that Concordia University, the site of a NAVSA EVENT hub, is located on unceded Indigenous lands. We recognize Kanien’kehá:ka Nation as the custodians of the lands and waters on which our events take place. Tiohtià:ke/Montréal is historically, and continues to be, a gathering place for many First Nations. We respect the continued connections with the past, present and future in our ongoing relationships with Indigenous and other peoples. We are sensitive to the diverse ways in which knowledge may be preserved, transmitted, and brought to light through a careful engagement in the use and consideration of scholarly materials, institutions and practices.


EVENT 2024 Montreal Hub organizers are grateful to acknowledge the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Concordia University Vice President of Research and Graduate Studies, York University, and The SpokenWeb research network.

Hub Leaders

Jason Camlot, Professor of English, Concordia University Research Chair in Literature and Sound Studies

Tina Choi, Professor, Chair of English, York University

Jason Camlot is Professor of English and Research Chair in Literature and Sound Studies at Concordia University in Montreal. His recent critical works include Phonopoetics: The Making of Early Literary Recordings (Stanford 2019), and the co-edited collections, Collection Thinking: Within and Without Libraries, Archives and Museums (with Martha Langford and Linda Morra, Routledge, 2023), Unpacking the Personal Library: The Public and Private Life of Books(with Weingarten, WLUP, 2022), and CanLit Across Media: Unarchiving the Literary Event (with McLeod, McGill Queen’s UP, 2019), all of which are concerned with questions about archives as they relate to media and history. He is also the author of five collections of poetry, most recently the Victorianist poetics project, Vlarf (McGill-Queen’s UP, 2021). He is principal investigator and director of the SSHRC-funded Spoken Web research partnership www.spokenweb.ca that focuses on the history of literary sound recordings and the digital preservation and presentation of archival collections of literary audio.

Tina Choi is Professor of English and a member of the graduate faculty in Science and Technology Studies at York University in Toronto. Her publications, which explore the intersections among nineteenth-century literature, science, and print culture, include Anonymous Connections: The Body and Narratives of the Social in Victorian Britain (U Michigan, 2016) and Victorian Contingencies: Experiments in Literature, Science, and Play (Stanford, 2021). She currently holds a SSHRC Insight Grant for a multiyear project entitled, “Popular Maps, Cartographic Literacy, and Narrative in Britain, 1820-1870,” an investigation into Victorian mass-market maps with relation to wider networks of print and visual culture.

Interdisciplinary Vetting Committee

Sarah Alexander (University of Vermont)
Sarah Bull (University of Toronto)
Brooke Cameron (Queen’s University)
Ronjaunee Chatterjee (Queens University)
Jayne Hildebrand (Barnard College)
Leslie Howsam (University of Windsor)
Christopher Keep (University of Western Ontario)
Danielle Kinsey (Carleton University)
Kate Lawson (University of Waterloo)
Bernard V. Lightman (York University)
Matthew Rowlinson (University of Western Ontario)
Janice Schroeder (Carleton University)
Marlis Schweitzer (York University)
Tabitha Sparks (McGill University)
Alison Syme (University of Toronto)
Reza Taher-Kermani (Concordia University)
Rebecca Woods (University of Toronto).

Information for Participants


View the program for the Montreal hub here.


Getting to Montreal
Montreal is easily accessible by train and bus from major cities in Eastern Canada and the Northeastern United States. Please note that the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI), requires anyone, including U.S. citizens, entering or reentering the United States by land and sea to have a passport or other appropriate secure document.

COVID Travel Requirements
There are no COVID travel restrictions in place at this time. For the latest news and protocols about travel to Canada as they pertain to COVID-19 regulations, please see the Government of Canada COVID-19: Travel, testing and borders site.

Getting Around Montreal
The Montreal metro system is the fastest and most cost effective way to get around the city. While individual regular fare tickets are $3.50, a three-day pass is $21.25 (and will last through the conference).

Metro operating hours are Monday to Friday and Sunday from 5:30 a.m. to 1 a.m., and Saturday from 5:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. The average wait time between trains is eight minutes and three minutes during rush hour. For more information about public transportation in Montreal, visit www.stm.info.

If you prefer getting around by taxi, it’s always very easy to flag one down on the street. You’ll also find them in front of your hotel, or at one of the city’s many taxi stands. Also, should the weather prove appropriate, you may want to take advantage of the Bixi bicycle rental system (paid by credit card and approximately $2-$3 for under 40 minutes on a regular bike) that is set up throughout the Montreal metropolitan area.


There are many accommodation options in Montreal, near the downtown Concordia University campus. Ground zero for the conference will be 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd., H3G 1M8, in case you want to use that information for google searches.


We have been in touch with all Concordia University affiliated hotels so that you can secure the corporate rate when you call to book. Simply ask for the Concordia corporate rate and mention that you are attending the NAVSA EVENT 2024 Conference, if you decide to stay at a hotel.

Click here for a page listing all of the Concordia affiliated off-campus accommodation with contact information.

A couple of affordable and regularly-used options on the list are below (but all are good hotels, some of them even pretty fancy).

Chateau Versailles
(a quaint boutique hotel near campus)
1659 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal
514-933-8111 or 1-888-933-8111

Hotel Espresso
1005 Guy St, Montreal, QC
H3H 2K41 (877) 468-3550

Let’s just say that there has been significant construction of new Condo buildings in the downtown Montreal area (near Concordia U), and that many of them are available for rent via Airbnb and similar sites.


Resto Montreal: http://restomontreal.ca/

Montreal Food: http://www.montrealfood.com/

Urban Spoon: http://www.urbanspoon.com/c/67/Montreal-restaurants.html

Attractions, Activities, and Entertainment

Arts & Museums

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts: http://www.mbam.qc.ca/en/index.html
Musée d’Art Contemporain: https://macm.org/en/
Canadian Centre for Architecture: http://www.cca.qc.ca/
McCord Museum: http://www.mccord-museum.qc.ca/en/
Place Des Arts (Montreal Opera, The Montreal Symphony Orchestra, and Les Grands Ballets Canadiens):http://laplacedesarts.com/index.en.htm
Centaur Theatre Company: http://www.centaurtheatre.com/
The National Film Board (Events, Screenings and Personal Viewing Stations): http://www3.nfb.ca/cinerobotheque/
Segal Centre for Performing Arts http://www.segalcentre.org/
Théâtre Français à Montréal: http://montrealgazette.com/entertainment/theatre/thtre-franais-montral-french-theatre-in-montreal-where-to-find-it


Botanical Gardens: http://www2.ville.montreal.qc.ca/jardin/en/menu.htm
Notre Dame Basilica: http://www.basiliquenddm.org/en/
St. Joseph’s Oratory: http://www.saint-joseph.org/en_1001_index.php
Bell Centre: http://centrebell.ca/en/
Cinema Listings: http://www.cinemamontreal.com/eng
Poetry Readings in Montreal: http://wherepoetsread.ca/
Local Entertainment listings searchable by date (MTL.org): https://www.mtl.org/en/what-to-do/festivals-and-events
Voir (listings en français): https://voir.ca/
Véhicule Press’s “Montreal: A Celebration” site: http://www.vehiculepress.com/montreal/index.html
Enso Yoga (pay by class yoga near Concordia): https://ensoyoga.com/
Montreal Gazettehttps://montrealgazette.com/


To reach the Montréal hub leaders, email NAVSA2024EVENTmontreal@gmail.com. For general conference inquiries, email organizers@event2024.org.

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